
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The Attitude of Gratitude

How good does it make you feel when someone thanks you or gives you a compliment? 

Do you thank those around you for what they do? 

Have you noticed someone looking nice? 
Tell them! You could be making their day. 

I always feel good after helping someone or complimenting them. So its good for me and them. 

We need to be thankful for what we do have instead of bemoaning what we don't have. 
I am not saying settle for what you have. Always strive to reach the next level on your path. 

I am saying don't get so wrapped up in what you want that you miss what you do have. 

Bless the things you have and the things you want. 

There is always more coming to us if we are ready and open to receive them. 

By blessing and being grateful for what we have it sends a clear message to the universe that we are ready for more. 

If we complain and focus on the lack the universe will send us more of the same. 

Be careful which one your thoughts draw. 

If you catch a thought of lack stop it and think of the blessings already in your life. 
After a while this will become a habit. 

Life will not always be rosy but if you are able to see past its challenges to the lessons and blessings. 
It will take the sting out of some situations making it easier to handle.

Does anyone have any questions or anything to add to this?

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