
Wednesday, January 28, 2015

A Day in Our Life Homeschooling

Today I overslept and Ilyana came to wake me up telling me they had already ate breakfast and started their workbooks.

Let me tell you this makes me proud, not that I overslept, that even without me they get started on school work.

They did a few pages in their workbooks and then it was individual reading.

Time for lunch and they chose Ramen.

After lunch they read aloud to each other a book on Turkey (the country not bird) and a book on Ecology.
I found if They read it aloud then they remember more than if I just read it to them or made them read it to themselves.

3pm run to the Library to get more books and our day is done.

kids have free time, they are reading while they wait their turn on their Sega. Yep we are old school.

5:30 they are bored of the books and games, now they are outside playing while mom starts supper.

So as you can see our days are simple but effective for us. Every Homeschool family is different, No two do it the exact same.

I got soo excited today. I already knew about Khan Academy on youtube as a great math resource for helping the kids get through their math assignments when they don't understand the concept. But then today I discovered English grammer classes on youtube, science lessons, Art lessons and more.

My kids learn more with the videos than books, Visual and auditory combined really clicks for them.

I hope you enjoy a peek into our day homeschooling.

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