
Sunday, July 25, 2010

resolving mindset

I have made myself and all that is important to me a priority. I don't ask if its possible to go visiting or take a day off. I now make it possible. I get help around the house from my husband and kids.(In order to free up hours that would have been spent cleaning or chasing my 3 kids.) In less than 30 days I have found suppliers for my trade show booth, ordered my merchandise, received 95% of it, & found where to sell at. I am going to work selling at trade shows to save up to get my storefront so I do not go into business with debt driving me. I am taking evenings off from my life as a housewife to go enjoy an evening with friends or taking a long walk during the day to free my mind of the day's stress. I am looking forward to the school year starting so all my kids can be in school for a while. Fewer hours that they can make messes at the house. :) I love school being in session it means mom gets to take an uninterrupted nap every now and then.In the next month or so I plan on hiring a housekeeper to free up more of my time to do what is important. Work on my business, goals and family time. I love my family and am determined to create a brighter future for them and for myself. My kids will grow up and move out. I hope to instill in them that we can achieve goals if we put the effort in it. No point in settling for the status quo. I want them to go after their dreams and know that its possible after all mom did it.I also want to know that I will have a life, purpose and identity when they leave the nest. My biggest goal in life and personal mission is before I die I want to know that someones life was positively impacted because of me. I have achieved this and plan to keep achieving this with as many people as I can. The world does not have to know who I was as long as someone remembers me.I will write more soon to let you know how all of this is working out.

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